Posted on 5:19 AM
by Juie.S
I designed some business cards for a friend of mine, Andrew Kelly who is a great photographer and lives in Melbourne.. well close enough.
He wanted them simple, bold and square and this was the result.
They come in green and blue too. I have yet to actually see them. However, Andrew tells me they have been well received.
Posted on 4:21 AM
by Juie.S
| 2
This year I shall finish all the paintings I never finished.
Posted on 3:11 AM
by Juie.S
| 0
There is something about Hong Kong that I can't seem to leave. It's one of the most beautiful countries I've lived in.
I love how the ocean is never too far away and neither is a mountain top, how now, I live on top of a hill facing the legendary Amah rock. Every alley way and corner has it's own treasure of shops and eateries.
And more recently I went to my sister's university. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's campus is practically built on a small mountain and is facing the ocean full of Islands. On a foggy day you can't see 2 feet in front of you and if you look out at the ocean, it looks very much like a scene from Pirates of the Caribbean
This photograph isn't exactly my best photograph, but for some reason, I'm very attached to it.
My brother rarely every smiles straight. I was lucky.
My sister on the pier of HKUST
Posted on 5:29 AM
by Juie.S
| 0
His name means to rise.
My nephew age 3 months.
Posted on 3:17 AM
by Juie.S
| 8
Posted on 2:46 PM
by Juie.S
* Mood: Fatigued
* Listening to: Adele - chasing pavements
* Eating: What ever I can find
* Drinking: Chocolate milk
Ugh, things are in a mess, there is so much work that needs to be done, and yet.. *sigh* soon soon, I'll get to everything soon enough. In anycase, I should be heading to class not here blogging.
Posted on 11:24 AM
by Juie.S
| 3
Posted on 9:50 AM
by Juie.S
| 0
I finally got the lips right, Whoo hoo!! *dances around* I think I've spent about 3 - 4 hours on the lips alone, changing it every time that I'd start a new session on the painting.
80% done!
All I've left to do now, is the hair, eyebrows, jewelry and background!
Me thinks pretty decent for a person who is painting a portrait (completely) for the first time.
Posted on 4:14 PM
by Juie.S
| 2
Posted on 9:58 PM
by Juie.S
| 0
I only have 3 more days to finish this.. and it still needs to have so much work done on it!
Posted on 1:09 AM
by Juie.S
| 3
Human body drawings are the bane of my existence, I want to give it character and dynamics, give it a flow of movement, but there is always something that just isn't quite there yet.
And I'm getting much better and not getting it quite right.
Forms from superheroes in action..
Posted on 10:17 PM
by Juie.S
Posted on 8:56 PM
by Juie.S
| 0
An exercise in using colour and a different kind of brush rather than the hard round one I usually do.
Done in Photoshop.