Megahertz vs Rockdogs

Posted on 9:16 PM by Juie.S | 0 comments

I have lived in Melbourne for more than 5 years now and I've never been to see a footy game and since RRR along with PBS and Syn Fm were the Megahertz, I shot my first ever sports event!

I think I had small penis syndrome looking at all the majorly huge tele lenses and I was standing there with my 20D and a 70 - 300. *sigh*

The Living End played.

All that I'm hearing from you, is white noise!
I absolutely love this shot for the subject

Celebrating the victorious goal!

Megahertz won! Considering they were 2 to 29 Rockdogs winning and right at the siren they kicked a goal and won by one point!